Student Evaluation For Lecturer Performance Survey for FIB/FIE

Student Evaluation For Lecturer Performance Survey for FIB/FIE

by Moodle Admin -
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Dear all,

FYI, Final Exam for semester 1 2018/2019(FIE/FIB) will back. Thus, you MUST do 'Student Evaluation for Lecturer Performance' starting 2nd July 2018 to 6th July 2018  to claim your examination docket

To claim the Examination Docket, please make sure that you must:

Step 1 - Student are required to do teaching staff evaluation survey at

Related image

Step 2 - Students are required to check the status at Faculty Admin office before collect docket

Step 3 - Faculty will check and give the survey slip

Step 4 - Students must show the survey slip to exam unit before docket will be release as a proof. Survey slip will be filled in by faculty

Any further information, you may contact to PIC below :

SOFIDS- Mdm Enny (09-424 2493)